Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Understanding a 95% confidence interval for a proportion

1. Click on Show Population Proportion to show or hide the population proportion. 2. Type a sample proportion e.g. 0.24 into Single Sample Proportion and press Enter and the sample proportion will be displayed. 3. Repeat Step 2 until you have all the classes sample proportions entered (up to a maximum of 35). 4. Click on Show 95% Confidence Interval to show or hide the 95% confidence intervals for each of the sample proportions. 5. Drag the blue slider to the right to show other sample proportions. 6. Ctrl+R will recompute a different set of sample proportions (but will keep the ones you typed in). 7. Reset will replace the sample proportions you typed in with sample proportions generated by the file.